Early Education Guide


What is your approach to early childhood education?
Students enter early childhood education on a wide continuum of social skills and learning experiences. Play-based with a focus on preparing the students for elementary school by teaching them social and functional skills needed in the classroom.
What does a daily schedule look like? What kinds of activities do you provide?
BCS offers half day 3K and 4K programs with optional add-on programs for afternoons and an additional Friday enrichment program for 4K.
3K Schedule: M, W, Th from 8:15am - noon
4K Schedule: M-Th from 8:15am - noon
Morning Schedule (School days vary, so this is just an example day)
8:00 - Student Arrival and Table Activities
8:20 - Circle Time/Prayer/Story Time
8:45 - Bathroom break
9:00 - Music and Movement
9:10 - Large Group Mini Lesson/Project
9:30 - Gym or Outside Time
10:00 - Snack/Bathroom Break
10:20 - Bible story, Worship or Song
10:30 - Student-Led Centers
11:15 - Clean up and Bathroom break
11:30 - Lunch
11:50 - Clean up and Pack Backpacks
12:00 - Parent Pick Up/PreK +
What type of preschool curriculum do you use?
Our main goals for our preschoolers are to prepare them for success in elementary school. We are not looking for mastery in skills, but instead meeting each individual student where he is at when the school year begins and to encourage academic growth in core areas, such as pre-reading, writing and math skills, as well as development of social skills.
Are students tested/assessed prior to starting school?
There is no formal assessment required prior to beginning 3K of 4K, but our teachers and aids do a fantastic job determining students' current abilities and then encouraging growth throughout the school year.
Do you offer music and art?
Music is incorporated into classroom time, but students do not go to our music class until Kindergarten. Similarly, students do a lot of art and creative activities on a regular basis, but do not go to our Art Room and Art class until Kindergarten.
Do you send photos and videos throughout the day?
We do not send daily photos, but many teachers post photos on the Homeroom App, which is shared with classroom parents only.
How is progress assessed throughout the year? Do you offer a daily report?
We do not do daily reports, but if there are ongoing issues or concerns, the teacher will communicate with parents as needed. During the year we have parent-teacher conferences as well as progress reports.
How often do the children play outside?
The class goes outside with just the 3K class once per morning. If the weather is inclement, they go to our gym instead.
Do you provide meals and snacks? What foods are or are not allowed?
The school does not provide snacks or lunch. Snacks and lunches should be brought from home, but hot lunch may be ordered beginning in 4K. A menu is available on our intranet site weekly and parents can order there. Parent-provided food is expected to be healthy and nutritious, and comply with any classroom allergen restrictions, which are determined on a classroom by classroom basis.
How do you handle discipline and encourage positive behavior?
If a student demonstrates inappropriate behavior in class, there is a lot of redirection and gentle correction. If a student needs to take a break outside in the hallway, an aide might do that. We have a school counselor on staff if needed. Parents are informed of behavioral issues and will be expected to collaborate with the teacher and other staff on any ongoing problems.
Are there opportunities for parent involvement?
Yes, our school is run on parent power! Parent involvement is key to being part of our school community. In the classroom, it is somewhat limited in early childhood, as it can be tricky for younger children to see moms and dads at school and then wonder why their parents are not there or want to be with them! But we have lots of opportunities for parents to attend and/or volunteer at various events.
What about concerts or special programs?
3K and 4K classes have their own programs for parents and grandparents for Christmas. There are also other events throughout the year for you to attend.
What enrichment programs/activities are offered?
We offer extended afternoons for those who need care, but we don't offer any additional programming. This is invoiced on a monthly basis. We offer Little Eagles soccer for students in 4K-4th grades. Also, parents may register students for Young Rembrandts art classes offered periodically after school.


What is your policy on late pick-up and absences?
Students need to be picked up at the designated pick up times. Anyone who is not picked up within a reasonable time will stay in our school office while the secretary contacts parents or emergency contacts. If they are sent to our extended care program, you will be charged for the afternoon.
What’s your sick-child policy? What are your policies regarding immunizations? We comply with state and local health departments in regard to illness and immunizations. If you choose not to have your child immunized, they may be excluded from school per local health department guidelines if there is an outbreak (i.e. whooping cough, measles, etc.). If your child is sick and has a fever or diarrhea, they need to stay home until they have been free of either of those for 24 hours, and are feeling well enough to go back to school. If a student becomes ill at school they will be sent to the office and parents or emergency contacts will be called to take them home.
Do students need to be potty trained?
Yes, students must be able to use the restroom independently. It’s advisable to have an extra set of clothes available at school for accidents.
Do you transport children in a vehicle?
If 3K and 4K students go on field trips, they ride with teachers and parent chaperones on a school bus from the contracted bus company.
What are the tuition and fees, and what is the payment schedule? Are there any types of discounts available (paying in advance, second sibling discount, etc.)?
Please contact the school for the most up to date tuition and fee schedule (posted in spring for the following school year). Tuition may be paid monthly or in one payment. There are sibling discounts. Many families benefit from financial assistance. Contact admissions@brookfieldchristian.org for more information.


What building safety measures are in place?
Our building has security measures in place, including locked exterior doors and cameras which are continually monitored by staff. We do not allow parents or other visitors to drop by for an unscheduled visit, and anyone who enters the school after drop-off must enter through the school office and check-in there. We have security and emergency plans in place, and regularly practice drills as required by the state.
Do you have a nurse on staff for medical care? Is your facility licensed to administer medicine and/or emergency allergy treatments?
Our school secretary has medical training and is able to administer medicine and emergency allergy treatments. All of our staff receive medical training at the beginning of each year and are instructed on how to handle allergy and other medical emergencies. Any students with allergies have action plans on file in the office and posted in their classrooms. Our team does a fantastic job keeping our students safe and caring for them when they are experiencing medical problems and emergencies.
How often are classrooms and toys and other materials cleaned?
Classrooms are cleaned daily by our cleaning staff, and throughout the day by our teachers as needed. Toys and materials are cleaned and sanitized periodically and as needed.


What is the student-to-teacher ratio in the preschool classrooms?
The early ed classroom have on average a 8:1 ratio, with a teacher and aide present.
What degrees, certifications or training does your staff have? What credentials and training do your instructors have?
All of our early education teachers are experienced and have teaching degrees. We have wonderful teachers and aides in our early education classrooms. You can read bios on all of our teaching staff here: BCS Staff.
Do you conduct background checks on all your employees?
Yes, we conduct background checks on all of our employees.
Do you experience high employee turnover?
Teachers and aides typically stay at BCS until they have a life transition or retire.

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